Miscellaneous Education Changes (H.461) - April 11, 2023
On Tuesday, the Senate Education Committee walked through a side-by-side comparison of H.461 with current statute. Senator Gulick asked about the “Home Study Program,” wondering if it was always called that. She commented that she doesn’t “see there is any mandate to actually study any subjects in it.” Legislative Counsel was uncertain if it had been called something else previously.
Read moreHome Study Changes (H.461) - March 28, 2023
The Senate Education Committee reviewed the home study provisions of H.461 on Tuesday. Chairman Campion asked Retta Dunlap (Home School Advocate, Vermont Home Education Network) to share some basic background information for newer members of the Committee. She shared a presentation showing some historical trends on home study students. The data was provided by the Vermont Home Education Network because the Agency of Education (AOE) only recently started tracking some of these metrics.
Read moreAgency of Education Proposes New Home Study Oversight Regime
On Thursday, Secretary Dan French (Agency of Education) joined the House Education Committee to discuss new home study legislation that the Agency of Education (AOE) is asking for.
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