Senator Gulick joined the Senate Appropriations Committee on Thursday for an overview of H.461 and the Education Committee’s version of the bill.
Senator Sears immediately stated, “one thing I want to be assured of is there’s no changes in here that are going to affect my independent schools like Long Trail School in Dorset, Burr & Burton in Manchester, and North Bennington.” This generated some laughs as Chairwoman Kitchel pointed out he was “likely is thinking of another bill.”
Legislative Counsel responded in-kind, joking that “asking a lawyer for an opinion is always risky.” Sears was reassured that the the only long-term possible effects might be the Act 1 Working Group.
Kitchel again prodded that he was probably thinking of H.483, to which Sears gasped “H.483, that horrible bill…” Gulick piped up from the side of the room that H.483 “is really an innocuous bill.” Sears responded forcefully, “well that’s not the opinion of my constituents,” with a grin on his face.
The Committee walked through the bill, there was little discussion and Sears moved to find the bill favorable, Senator Perchlik seconded and all present were in favor.